1. Credit issues
Do NEVER delete the credit notice and the link angelic-trust.net! If you do multiple pages, be sure to have the button and working link on your MAIN PAGE at least!
This layout is linkware! Give credit where credit is due!
The rest can be configured as you like it.
2. About this layout
This layout is featuring Angel Sanctuary! The layout was created with various images, either scanned or found on the web. Brushes were used from angelic-trust.net and linzeestyle.com, so please remember to credit these sources seperately anywhere on you site. Thanks!
3. Configuration
a.) Be sure to always have a backup of this original page. If you once screwed the coding, there won't be a way back. Be sure to always save an original copy of THIS script!
b.) Fields you should not forget to replace with your own information:
~ "YOUR SITE NAME" - replace it with your site's name
~ "link" - replace all these with the links you like
c.) This field itself, should be replaced by your content. Just write into it whatever your like, fill it as much as you want and create as many sites with this example as you are pleased with.
d.) Do not change anything without knowing what you are doing! Most important thing: do not change the tables!
e.) That's your page button, open it with your favorite image program and add your site name or whatever you want!
f.) With an emergency you can email me of course.
Have fun with this layout!